目的了解四川省城乡居民基本健康技能现状,为制定健康教育干预措施提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层抽样方法,抽取四川省15~69岁城乡居民6 042人进行问卷调查。结果四川省城乡居民健康技能掌握率56.02%,城市为62.72%,农村为49.39%,城市高于农村(P<0.01);掌握较好的健康技能有:在紧急医疗救助时知道拨打120电话为94.7%,会抢救触电者为79.4%,能看懂药物有效期的为71.0%;掌握情况较差的健康技能有:完全认识6个危险标识的仅为21.3%,明白药盒上"OTC"含义的占26.6%,会在火灾时安全逃离的占47.8%,会测量腋下体温的51.2%;城市居民的各项健康技能掌握水平普遍高于农村居民(Ρ<0.01),差异均有统计学意义。结论四川省城乡居民基本健康技能掌握率较低,今后健康教育干预中应加强健康技能的培训与指导,尤其是针对农村居民的健康技能培训。
Objective To understand the status of basic health skills among Sichuan residents, thus to provide evidence for health education policy and intervention measures. Methods By multi - stage stratified random cluster sampling method, questionnaire survey were conducted on 6,042 residents. Results The overall level of health skills among Sichuan residents was 56.02% , 62.72% for urban and 49.39% for rural. Skill mastering rates were respectively: knowing of calling 120 in emergency, 94.7% ; ability to rescue electricity shock casualty, 79.4% and can read validity of drugs, 71.0%. Yet the rate of completely understanding of the 6 risk identifications was 21.3% ; rate of understanding OTC sign, 26.6% ; rate of can safely escape in the fire, 47.8% and the ability to measure axillary temperatin:e, 51.2%. The overall health skills levels in urban residents were generally higher than that in rural residents (P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion The overall rate of basic health skills among Sichuan residents stays low, thus pertinent measures like health skills training should timely strengthened, especially for the rural areas.
Occupational Health and Damage