
腹腔镜下手术联合大剂量甲氨蝶呤对异位妊娠的疗效评价 被引量:6

Clinical evaluation of large dose Methotrexate in the treatment of laparoscopic surgery of ectopic pregnancy
摘要 目的探讨腹腔镜下手术联合大剂量甲氨蝶呤对异位妊娠的疗效。方法选择2008年1月~2011年5月收治的异位妊娠患者219例,随机分为实验组110例及对照组109例;实验组患者采用腹腔镜下手术联合大剂量甲氨蝶呤进行治疗,对照组患者采用腹腔镜下手术联合常规剂量甲氨蝶呤进行治疗,对两组患者术后情况以及再次妊娠情况进行比较。结果实验组患者术后7 dβ-HCG降低率、β-HCG恢复正常所需时间以及术后妊娠率均优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);两组患者治疗后不良反应比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论腹腔镜下手术联合大剂量甲氨蝶呤对异位妊娠进行治疗,可有效提高患者妊娠率,改善患者预后。 Objective To investigate the efficacy of large dose Methotrexate in treating laparoscopic surgery of ectopic pregnancy.Methods 219 cases of ectopic pregnancy treated from January 2008 to May 2011 were randomly divided into experiment group and control group with 110 patients in experiment group and 109 cases in control group.Patients in ex periment group were treated by laparoscopic surgery combinedwith large-dose Methotrexate,patients in control group were treated by laparoscopic surgery and conventional-dose Methotrexate therapy.The postoperative status and subsequent preg nancy of two groups were compared.Results Reduction rate of β-HCG,time of β-HCG restored to normal level and postoperative pregnancy rate in experiment group were found better than those of control group,the differences were all statisti cally significant(all P0.05);the difference of adverse reaction in the two groups was not statistically significant(P0.05).Conclusion Laparoscopic surgery combined with large-dose Methotrexate can effectively improve the pregnancy rate of patients and improve the prognosis of patients.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2012年第34期68-70,共3页 China Medical Herald
基金 国家自然科学基金(81000259)
关键词 异位妊娠 甲氨蝶呤 腹腔镜 Ectopic pregnancy Methotrexate Laparoscopic
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