目的探讨女性慢性盆腔痛的病因及其发病率。方法对2010年5月~2011年5月到我院妇科就诊的1 017例慢性盆腔痛患者进行回顾性分析。结果 5 219例普通妇科疾病患者中,慢性盆腔痛就诊者1 017例,占19.5%。5 219例中20~40岁就诊者2 012例,慢性盆腔痛发病率为27.1%;41~55岁就诊者3 207例,慢性盆腔痛发病率为14.7%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。1 017例慢性盆腔痛就诊者较常见病因:慢性盆腔炎占35.0%,子宫内膜异位症占28.5%,盆腔肿物占13.2%,盆腔静脉淤血综合征占12.9%。已生育组中盆腔静脉淤血综合征、盆腔肿物所致的慢性盆腔痛的构成比明显大于未生育组,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);未生育组慢性盆腔炎所致的慢性盆腔痛的构成比较生育组高,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);未生育组中子宫内膜异位症和原因不明所致慢性盆腔痛的构成比与已生育组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。慢性盆腔痛就诊者中既往有剖宫产手术史者占慢性盆腔痛患者53.0%,顺产者占19.5%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论慢性盆腔痛常发生在育龄期妇女,其妇科常见原因是慢性盆腔炎、子宫内膜异位症、盆腔肿物及盆腔静脉淤血综合征等。剖宫产术可引起慢性盆腔痛,临床上要严格掌握剖宫产适应证,降低剖宫产率。
Objective To explore the female causes and incidence of chronic pelvic pain.Methods 1 017 cases of patients with chronic pelvic pain in gynecological department in our hospital from May 2010 to May 2011 were retrospectively analyzed.Results According to analysis,it found that there were 1 017 cases chronic pelvic pain in 5 219 cases of common gynecological disease and accounted for 19.5%.In 5 219 cases,there were 2 012 cases that were 20 to 40 age group,the incidence rate of chronic pelvic pain was 27.1%.There were 3 207 cases that were 41 to 55 age group,the incidence rate was 14.7%.A significant difference was shown between two groups(P 0.05).The common causes of 1 017 cases of chronic pelvic pain were that,35.0% were chronic pelvic inflammatory disease,28.5% were endometriosis,13.2% were pelvic mass and 12.9% were pelvic congestion syndrome.For chronic pelvic pain that caused by pelvic congestion syndrome and pelvic mass,the incidence rate in fertile group was higher than that in infertile group,with significant difference(P 0.05).For chronic pelvic pain that caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory,the incidence rate in infertile group was higher than that in fertile group,with significant difference(P 0.05).For chronic pelvic pain that caused by endometriosis and unexplained reasons,the incidence rate in fertile group was nearly same as than that in the infertile group,without significant difference(P 0.05).For patients with cesarean section group,the incidence rate of chronic pelvic pain was 53.0%.Patients with nature birth group,the incidence rate was 19.5%,with significant difference(P 0.05).Conclusion Chronic pelvic pain often occurs in reproductive-aged female.The common etiologies are chronic pelvic inflammatory,endometriosis,pelvic mass and pelvic venous congestion syndrome,etc.Cesarean section may cause chronic pelvic pain.It should master the cesarean section indications on clinical treatments,and reduce the rate of cesarean sections.
China Medical Herald
Chronic pelvic pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Disease incidence
Etiology constitute