伊犁河流域新垦区人工饲草料地建设与天然草地优化配置方案研究,是以流域天然草地合理利用为基础,根据草地类型牧草组成特点,研究天然草地合理的畜群配置,达到以草配畜。结合改造传统畜牧业,天然草地由常年放牧改为暖季放牧,核定天然草地合理的载畜量为2 895 345个绵羊单位,换算成自然牲畜头数为2 030 482头只,达到以草定畜。按混合畜出栏率75%计算,核定年底牲畜存栏1 654 400个羊单位,折合自然头数为1 158 907头只,按照牲畜半年舍饲草料需要量,同时优化饲草料地种植结构,设计苜蓿、青贮玉米、饲料玉米比例为2∶4∶4,根据测算,人工饲草料地总规模应达到35 017.16 ha,人工饲草料地建设与天然草地优化配置比例为1∶56,从而实现天然草地与人工饲草料地规模总体比例协调。
The Ili river valley reclamation area of artificial grassland to build and optimize the configuration of the natural, rational use of natural grassland is a watershed basis, according to the composition of grassland forage characteristics of natural grassland herds reasonable allocation to the grass with animals. With the transformation of traditional animal husbandry, natural grassland to grazing by the perennial warm-season grazing, stocking rates approved for the natural grassland reasonable 2 895 345 sheep units, converted into natural livestock to 2 030 482 just to reach the grass be livestock. By mixed livestock slaughter rate of 75%, the approval by the end of 1,654 400 sheep livestock unit, equivalent to 1 158 907 the number of natural head only, in accordance with the requirements of livestock fodder shed half a year, while optimizing forage cultivation in structure, design alfalfa, silage corn, ratio of 2:4:4 feed corn, according to estimates, the total size of artificial forage to be reached 35 017.16ha, artificial and natural forage grass to build optimal allocation ratio of 1:56 in order to achieve natural and artificial turf to the scale of forage the overall proportion of coordination.
Grass-Feeding Livestock
Ili River basin
artificial forage grass land
natural grassland