运用三维建模软件UG NX对复式永磁同步电机抽油机塔架先进行模型的建立,再运用有限元分析软件ANSYSwork-bench对其进行自由模态分析。确定其固有频率和振型。经计算一阶固有频率ω1与电机的最高工作频率不相等,且属刚性塔架,因此,不会发生共振,塔架是安全的。
Compound permanent magnet synchronous motor pumping unit tower was modeled by using three dimensional modeling software UG NX ,and made the free modal analysis by using the finite element software ANSYS workbench. Determined its nalmal fre- quency and vibration mode. Through calculation, first-order natural frequency and motor maximum working frequency are not equal, and belong to rigid tower, so, don't happen resonance, tower is safe.
Modern Machinery