

Application of Synchronous Motor in Soft Loading System for Heavy-duty CNC Roll Grinder
摘要 同步马达在液压系统中用于同步控制,其控制精度要比其他调速阀高得多;本文分析了数控轧辊磨床中的原软着陆液压系统的原理工作进程及缺陷,通过对同步马达的应用达到了对原有系统进行优化、改进的目的。同时分析了同步马达的影响因素及消除措施。 Synchronous motor used for synchronously controlling in hydraulic system, which controlling precision is more higher than other speed regulating valve; this paper analysed that the working procedure and its defect of hydraulic system for original soft loader in CNC roll grinder, the original system would be optimized and improved by using synchronous motor, and also analysed the influencing factors and the eliminating for the synchronous motor.
出处 《现代机械》 2012年第6期78-79,88,共3页 Modern Machinery
关键词 同步马达 液压系统 软着路 误差消除 优化 synchronous motor hydraulic system soft loader error elimination optimization
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  • 2金属切削机床液压教材编写组.金属切削机床液压传动[M]北京:人民出版社,1977.
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