Gliomas, particularly glioblastomas (GBMs), are the most common and highly aggressive primary braintumors with poor prognosi-s, in {he past decade, a great many advances have been made in the study on cellular and molecular basis of gliomas. Numerous publications have explored the cell of origin of gliomas, the molecular genetic and epigenetic aberration in gliomas, the molecular classification of GBM subtypes, the possible oncometabolites, the application of targeted therapy for malignant gliomas, etc. However, considering all these findings in recent years, it is clear that a picture of the changes in gliomas is more complex and that it should be characterized further to gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of gliomagenesis and for translational application of the new insights into clinical practice, especially in the following important aspects.
Gliomas, particularly glioblastomas (GBMs), are the most common and highly aggressive primary braintumors with poor prognosi-s, in {he past decade, a great many advances have been made in the study on cellular and molecular basis of gliomas. Numerous publications have explored the cell of origin of gliomas, the molecular genetic and epigenetic aberration in gliomas, the molecular classification of GBM subtypes, the possible oncometabolites, the application of targeted therapy for malignant gliomas, etc. However, considering all these findings in recent years, it is clear that a picture of the changes in gliomas is more complex and that it should be characterized further to gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of gliomagenesis and for translational application of the new insights into clinical practice, especially in the following important aspects.