
福建省2011年不同地理区域学龄儿童尿碘水平分析 被引量:3

Urinary iodine results of school-age children in different areas of Fujian province in 2011
摘要 目的了解福建省不同地理区域8~10岁儿童碘营养水平,为因地制宜、科学补碘提供依据。方法全省各县(市、区)按东、西、南、北、中5个方位各随机抽取1个乡(镇、街道)(不足5个乡时全部抽取);在所抽取的每个乡(镇、街道)随机抽取1所村小学(无村小学时,抽取乡中心小学),每所小学各随机抽检20名8~10岁儿童(男女各半)的尿碘含量。结果全省检测8~10岁儿童尿样8 440份,尿碘中位数为192.0μg/L,尿碘水平<50μg/L的为5.2%。沿海地区8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数(176.0μg/L)小于内陆地区(204.6μg/L);全省县级市共采集1 397份,尿碘中位数为117.8μg/L,其中<50μg/L的为4.4%。沿海县级市8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数(177.5μg/L)小于内陆县级市(211.1μg/L);全省县级共采集4 413份,尿碘中位数为196.1μg/L,其中<50μg/L的为4.9%。沿海县8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数(163.0μg/L)小于内陆县(208.6μg/L);全省区级共采集2 630份,尿碘中位数为188.0μg/L,其中<50μg/L的为6.2%。沿海区8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数(184.8μg/L)小于内陆区(193.6μg/L)。结论目前福建省碘营养总体上处于适宜水平,但部分地区碘营养超过适宜水平。居民碘营养水平主要与碘盐的摄入量有关,与是否处于沿海地区关系不大。 Objective To understand the level of iodine nutritions for 8 to 10 years old children and provide the evidence of suiting the measure to local conditions and supplementing iodine scientifically.Methods Each district in five directions were selected one elementary school and 20 children(evenly divided between boy and girl)whose age was from 8 to 10 at random,then to test the urinary iodine.Results The total samples were 8 440,the MUI was 192.0 μg/L,the proportion which the level of urinary iodine lower than 50 μg/L was 5.2%.8 to 10 years old children's MUI in coastal regions was 176.0 μg/L,inland areas of 8 to 10 years old children's MUI was 204.6 μg/L,inland areas urine median iodine was greater than that in coastal area.1 397 samples were tested in all developed counties,the MUI was 117.8 μg/L,and the proportion which the level of urinary iodine lower than 50 μg/L was 4.4%.The MUI of 8 to 10 years old children in coastal developed counties was 176.0 μg/L,which was lower than the 8 to 10 years old children in inland developed counties whose MUI was 211.1 μg/L.4 413 samples were tested in all developing counties,the MUI was 196.1 μg/L,and the proportion which the level of urinary iodine lower than 50 μg/L was 4.9%.The MUI of 8 to 10 years old children in coastal developing counties was 163.0 μg/L,which was lower than the 8 to 10 years old children in inland developing counties whose MUI was 208.6 μg/L.2 630 samples were tested in all districs,the MUI was 188.0 μg/L,and the proportion which the level of urinary iodine lower than 50 μg/L was 6.2%.The MUI of 8 to 10 years old children in coastal districs was 163.0 μg/L,which was lower than 8 to 10 years old children in inland districs whose MUI was 208.6 μg/L.Conclusion The present iodine nutrition status in Fujian population is appropriate overall,but the iodine nutrition status is excessive in some areas.The iodine nutrition status was mainly relation to the intake of the salt,and had nothing with the coastal areas.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 2012年第6期405-407,共3页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 2011年度中央支持地方公共卫生项目地方病防治项目
关键词 尿碘 碘缺乏病 地理区域 评估 碘营养 Urinary iodine Iodine deficiency disorders Geographical region Assessment Iodine nutrition
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