目的 观察溴隐亭对大鼠佐剂关节炎的影响。方法 取Wistar雄性大鼠 ,分为三组 ,第一组为对照组 ;第二组单纯给予完全佛氏佐剂 (FCA)皮内注射 ,诱发佐剂关节炎 (AA) ;第三组在给予FCA前三天开始给予溴隐亭灌胃 ,连续 7d ,就各组分别观察AA的发生率 ,右后肢脚容量的变化 ,并对继发病进行评分。结果 第三组与第二组比较 ,不仅AA的发病率明显降低 (2 0 %∶6 0 % ) ,而且关节的炎症反应程度及继发病变的评分在两组间均有显著差异。结论 溴隐亭对大鼠佐剂关节炎的原发及继发病变均有抑制作用 ,为临床类风湿关节炎的治疗提供了新的思路。
Objective To define the effect of bromocriptine in adjuvant arthritis.Method Arthritis was produced in male Wistar rats after single injection of FCA by intradermal injection of 0 1 ml FCA into the plantarsurface of the right hind paw in one group. In another group on three days before the injection of FCA,oral bromocriptine was administrated for seven days.Then the incidence and severity of arthritis between the two groups were contrasted.Results The incidence of secondary arthritis was much lower in the group treated with bromocriptine than in the group without it (20%∶60%).Furthermore the rats given bromocriptine developed a much milder arthritis than the rats treated with FCA only.Conclusion Administration of oral bromocriptine can significantly inhibit the development of adjuvant arthritis.