

A Study on the Main Causes of the Graft and Corruption in Ancient China
摘要 天道社会亡于无效率,人道社会亡于贪欲。纵观我国古代政权,其大多因反贪腐而兴,也皆因贪腐而亡。治贪若不改道则无效,但改道则意味着社会利益格局的重新划分,其难不啻于上青天。从这一点看,清高宗那个"不败露则苟免,既败露则应问"的反贪腐方针就是中国古代封建社会反贪腐的墓志铭。 Lizhi,the system of social hierarchy,was the pulling power of corruption,while the lack of the lowest social security system was the pushing power.The absolute poverty threatened the social members' physical existence,while the relative poverty threatened the social members' social existence. The luxurious life was the result of accumulation of social wealth and also the root of corruption.Graft was a kind of human beings' instinctive refuse to the social allocation system in politics,while corruption was the result of the human's desires encouraged in the humanitarian society.Once the two elements integrate each other,they set up a mutual cause-and-effect relationship,and became two parts of one criminal process.No graft,the corruption was just like water without source;No corruption,the graft was just like the fruitless flower. The society under the Dao of Haven died of inefficiency;while the society under the Dao of Man died of human's greed.Throughout our history,most of the ancient regimes were set up by opposing graft and corruption of the ruling class and declined because of their own graft and corruption.So the effective control of graft and corruption depends on the change of the Dao.But the change of Dao means the change of the present interests' structure.It was an impossible thing in ancient China.From this point,the principle of anti-graft and corruption of Qing Gao Zong,"If found,punish;if not,free",was really a gravestone epitaph of the struggles against graft and corruption in ancient China.
作者 温克
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期118-128,共11页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 贪污腐败 生存伦理 礼制陋规 奢靡文化 graft and corruption existence ethics Lizhi and objectionable practices luxurious culture
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