
半葫芦[6]脲的合成及其晶体结构 被引量:1

Synthesis and crystal structure of hemicucurbit[6]uril
摘要 半葫芦[6]脲空腔高度是葫芦[6]脲一半,其性质与葫芦[6]脲相差较大,所以分析其结构非常重要。以乙烯脲和甲醛为反应物,在硫酸催化下合成半葫芦[6]脲,采用IR、NMR、MS和X-射线单晶衍射分析对其结构进行了表征。结果表明,半葫芦[6]脲的晶体结构为三斜晶系,P-1空间群,晶体结构参数为:a=0.886 40(14)nm,b=0.894 06(15)nm,c=1.143 93(18)nm,α=101.136(6)(°)、β=108.896(13)(°)、γ=97.109(18)(°),V=0.824 4(2)nm3,R=0.035 9,wR=0.092 1,组成为C24H50N12O13,相对分子质量为714.76。晶体结构中相邻半葫芦[6]脲羰基氧与乙烯脲环上的亚甲基氢存在氢键。 The cavity height of hemicucurbit [ 6 ] uril is a half of the cucurbit [ 6 ] and the chemical properties of the two compounds are significantly different. Thus it is important to understand the structure characteristics of hemicucurbit [ 6 ] uril. Hemicucurbit [ 6 ] uril was synthesized with ethylene urea and formaldehyde catalyzed by sulfuric acid. The structure was characterized by IR, NMR, MS, and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that the crystal structure of hemicucurbit [ 6 ] uril is triclin- ic system and space group P-1, and the crystal structure parameters are a=0.88640(14)nm,b=0.89406(15)nm,c=1.14393(18)nm,α=101.136(6)(°)、β=108.896(13)(°)、γ=97.109(18)(°),V=0.8244(2)nm3,R=0.0359,wR=0.0921. Its empirical formula is C24HsoNI2 O13 and formula weight 714.76. In crystal structure of hemicucurbit[ 6 ] uril, there is hydrogen bond between adjacent ketonic oxygen and methyl radical hydrogen on ethylene urea link .
出处 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1110-1114,共5页 Journal of Guangxi University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21064001) 广西石化资源加工及过程强化技术重点实验室开放课题基金资助项目(2011k009) 广西大学本科生创新实验计划(201020)
关键词 乙烯脲 合成 晶体结构 hemicucurbit [ 6 ] uril ethylene urea synthesis crystal structure
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