一、语文单元目标分类教学的基本策略 :系统化的指导思想 ,以语文教育目标分类理论为依据。二、语文单元目标分类教学的“五环节”;单元整体把握阶段 ,讲读认知阶段 ,自读应用阶段 ,检查测试阶段 。
The basic techniques of teaching Chinese with classified aims of each unit include the guiding thought of teaching in a systematic way and the theoretical basis of classifying teaching aims.The five steps of educating Chinese with classified aims of each unit read as follows:the step of having a general view of the whole unit;the step of reading and understanding with the help of the teachers explanation;the step of reading and applying by the students themselves;the step of checking up and testing and the step of evaluating and supplementing.
Journal of Hunan Educational Institute
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