2 0世纪初 ,世界文坛掀起了一股现代主义思潮 ,张爱玲和劳伦斯分别作为东西方的代表作家 ,在创作中不约而同地选择了一些相似的题材、手法 ,运用了一些相同的理论作为创作的指导 ,体现了现代主义精神 ;对二者的比较 ,将有利于我们对张爱玲的作品作深层理解。
At the beginning of 20th century, the modernism appeared Zhang Ailing was regarded as the delegate of the east and D.H.Lawrance as the west's, their works have many common grounds .Such as subject matters, skills, imageries and so on.Through the compare of their works, maybe we can know Zhang's deeper.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University