文章对信仰的结构与本质问题进行深入探讨 ,提出了“三层次四维度信仰结构说”与“精神货币说”的信仰本质观。对世纪之交信仰与德育的关系做了较为系统的考察。树立科学信仰是实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要内容 ,它不仅是学校德育工作的重要任务 。
This paper carries out a defailed discussion on the structure and essence of belief,bringing forward the “three layer and four dimention”theory of belief structure and the “spirltual currency”outlook of belief. It has done a fairly systematic observation about the relation between the beliefs and moral education at the turn of the century,pointing out that the establishment of scientific belief is not only the important task for school moral education but also necessary for the construction of spiritual civilization of the whole society.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)