目的旨在廓清晚清计算技术经由传教士期刊在中国的传播源流。方法检索近代期刊史料确认《六合丛谈》和《格致汇编》在传播计算技术方面的代表性和开创性,然后进行原始期刊文献分析考证。结果 1857年1卷2期《六合丛谈》所刊《新造算器》一文最早在期刊上将使用线性差分法计算整数乘方运算的差分机原理传入中国。1876年1卷1期《格致汇编》所刊《算器图说》一文对最早引入中国的西方机械计算器作了介绍,详细说明了该计算器的构造、使用方法及用途。1890年5卷2期《格致汇编》所刊《新式算器图说》一文在回顾前文的同时又介绍了两种改良型的新式计算器。结论《六合丛谈》和《格致汇编》在早期传入欧洲计算技术,表明期刊是书籍之外传播最新科技成果的另一主媒介;晚清中国引进西方计算器,表明中国的科学计算由纯粹的手工推步拨算步入了机械计算的时代,同时计算器在天文观测计算等领域的首先使用也再次表明直到晚清,数学和天文历算仍然是引领中西科学交融的前沿。
Aim To find out the dissemination origin of calculating technology via journals in late Qing Dynasty, provide literature support for the mathematics and evolution research in Chinese culture area. Methods Exclusive method was used to confirm the representative and groundbreaking of Shanghai Serial and The Chinese Scientific Magazine spreading the calculating technology. The original document analysis research was used too. R^ttlts The article named of "the new computer" in Shanghai Serial in 1857 first introduced the difference engine which calcu- lated integral involution with linear method of finite difference. The article named of "the calculator illustration" in The Chinese Scientific Magazine in 1876 first introduced the mechanical calculator via journals in China, illustrated the structure, application method and the use of the calculator. The article named of "the new calculator illustra- tion" in The Chinese Scientific Magazine in 1890 illustrated two new kinds of improved type calculators. Conclusion The calculating technology was first communicated via Shanghai Serial and The Chinese Scientific Magazine, which indicated that journals gradually become another main medium of science communication besides books. Thenew calculators were used by Chinese scientist, which indicated that scientific calculation in China stepped into me- chanical calculating stage. The new calculators were first used in the celestial almanac,which indicated that the ce- lestial almanac was also the leading edge of the interflow between Chinese and western science until late Qing Dy- nasty.
Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)