杜牧在《李戡墓志铭》中对当时盛行的元、白诗歌的大力攻讦 ,代表了晚唐一部份文人士大夫共同的审美理想 ,具有深刻的内在根源与文化意蕴 ,昭示着中晚唐文学思想的重大捩变 ,具有重要的批评学意义。
It represents the main opinions of men of letters and senior officials in feudal China that DU Mu Commandered LI Kan's mouth in his “Epitaph of LI Kan”to attack the poems of Yuanhe style by YUAN Zhen and BAI Ju yi,and Which marks the tramsmutation,with important critical siynificance,between middle and late of Tang Danasty.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College