:1937~ 194 5年是中国现代少数民族文学史上的第一个文学高潮期。老舍、沈从文、端木良、舒群、萧乾、华山等等少数民族作家笔耕不止 ,力作频频推出。他们的文学作品言说着内涵十分丰富的爱国主义中心话语 。
The years from 1937 to 1945 see a period of the first literature climax in Chinese modern ethnic literature history.Many ethnic writers,such as LAO She,SHEN Cong wen,DUAN MU Hong Liang,SHU Qun,XIAO Qian,HUA Shan and etc,never stopped writing and they Wrote many good articles.Their literature works are full of the thematic discourse of patriotism and make a great contribution to the success of ethnic liberation war and the development of the whole Chinese literature.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)