传统的基于位置信息的服务(LBS)的隐私保护需要LBS提供者(简称LSP)与用户之间通过第三方作为中介来进行信息交换,但这种模式极易遭到攻击者攻击。为此提出一种基于K-匿名机制的隐形空间算法KABSCA(k-anonymity based spatial cloaking algorithm),通过移动设备独立建立一个分布式网络直接与LSP通讯进而避免了第三方的安全威胁。仿真实验显示:使用这种算法,用户可以享受到高质量的信息服务以及高度的隐私保护。
Privacy protection of the traditional location-based services (LBS) needs a third party as an intermediary between LBS provider (referred to as the LSP) and users to exchange information, but this model can be easily subjected to the attack of the attacker.So a spatial cloaking algorithm based on K-anonymity mechanisms KABSCA (k-anonymity based spatial cloaking algorithm) is proposed in the paper, which independently uses mobile devices to establish a distributed network for LSP communication directly and thus avoids security threats from a third party. The extensive simulations show that with the implementation of this algorithm, users can enjoy high-quality information services and a high degree of privacy protection.
Electronic Design Engineering