

An Adaptable Expected Model Has Been Used in Money Demand Functions
摘要 适应性预期是运用某经济变量的过去记录去预测未来,使预期逐渐符合客观的过程。本文通过实际M2、实际GDP与实际利率相互之间的动态关系,通过它的几何分布之后方法,提供货币实际需求量的平均测度。由于我国利率市场化程度不高,因此对货币需求的理论研究与实证分析具有重要意义。 Adaptive theory is using the past record of the economic variables to predict the future and make it accord with the objective process. Based on the dynamic relationship between actual M2, real GDP and the actual interest rate, through geometry distribution method, this paper provides average measure of the actual demand of money. Because China’s interest rate is lowly marketized, so it is of great significance to research on money demanding theory and its empirical analysis.
作者 李俊峰
出处 《保险职业学院学报》 2012年第4期16-19,共4页 Journal of Insurance Professional College
关键词 货币需求 冲击 利率 Currency demand Shock Interest rate
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