辽宁需要大力培育和发展旅游业 ,使之成为其经济的新支柱。辽宁具有发展旅游业的广阔空间和巨大潜力 ,并面临着旅游升温、结构优化、消费升级的良好机遇。发展辽宁的旅游业要以市场为导向 。
As liaoning has a large space and vast potential competence for tourism, it requires breeding and developing tourist industry to make it be the new economic mainstay of Liaoning. To develop its competitive stength as the centre, Making full use of advantages, strengthening promotion, increasing investment in tourism, training and enhancing a qualities of personnel as well as creating a good environment for promoting the development of tourist industry are what we should do at present
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)