
基于IEEE1588协议的从时钟同步控制算法研究 被引量:3

Research on Slave Time Synchronization Control Algorithm Based on IEEE 1588 Protocol
摘要 主要针对IEEE1588协议的原理给出了一种算法方案。结合PID控制算法和反向传播神经网络算法,实现了一种自适应调节从时钟频率的方法。Matlab仿真结果分析得出,该同步算法有较高的精度和自适应能力,应对复杂网络中的各种误差,可以有效的进行调节补偿,保证了从时钟同步的稳定性。 The main purpose for this paper is to give an algorithm based on IEEE1588 protocol.Combined with PID control algo- rithm and back propagation propagation neural network algorithm,this paper propose an adaptive adjustment method to control the slave clock frequency.Matlab simulation results showed,the synchronization algorithm has higher precision and adaptive capacity to deal with the complex network error,which can effectively adjust compensation to ensure the stability of the s/ave clock synchronization.
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2012年第12期83-85,共3页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 IEEE1588 BP神经网络 PID控制算法 IEEE1588,back propagation neural network,pid control algorithm
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