
比较国家建构:近代西欧的历程与中国语境的阐释 被引量:1

Comparison of State - building:Process of Western European States and Particularity in Observation of China
摘要 国家建构是指国家能力的增强和权力扩张的过程,它所描述的是近代西欧各国在中世纪的政治基础上建立主权独立的中央集权式民族国家的历史进程。在战争和地缘政治压力的驱使下,西欧各国的中央政权开始向基层社会进行渗透,加强控制,逐步剥夺了封建贵族的权力,建立起自上而下的官僚体制以实现中央政权对地方社会的直接统治。而将近代西欧国家建构的历程与中国相比照,则无法逐一对应。中国自秦汉开始就建构起中央集权的直接统治,国家政权虽然没有很强的社会管理和控制能力,但却拥有进行大规模社会动员和强制干预的能力。与西欧相比,除未形成"民族"认同外,中国早于西欧千余年就已建立起类民族国家的政治结构,辛亥革命后的政治进程很大程度上是民族国家的重构。因此,对于当今中国的国家建构而言,其核心任务是通过由"民族国家"建设向"民主国家"建设的转向,实现国家权力与公民权利的良性互动,达到"权威"与"民主"的制度均衡。 State - building is the process of states enhancing their ability and expanding their power to governance.In political history of modern western European,this process is a course of state construct nation state which has independent sovereignty and centralization that based on medieval political system.By stress of war and Geopolitics,central state power of western European began to enhance the ability to control local society,the privilege of feudal nobles were deprived and bureaucracy system which allegiant to central government was constructed,these helped central government to rule local society directly.But moving this process of western European states to analyze the political history of China is unfeasible.Political system that helped central government to rule local society directly had been constructed since Qin dynasty in China.Although central state power didn' t own strong ability to govern and control local society,it was so mighty to actualize judge social mobilization and administrative intervention. Compared with western European states,traditional China had finished the constructed the political system of nation state one thousand years in the highest flight,except national self - identity.It was a semi - nation state,then the political process after The Revolution of 1911 was rebuild nation state.So,the main objective of State -building in China is transfer 'nation state' to 'democratic state' nowadays.It means to balance 'strong authority' and 'democratic polity' institutionally that actualize the good interaction between state power and civil right.
作者 李晓鹏
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 2012年第6期59-65,125,共7页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 国家建构 民族国家 现代化 民主国家 State-building Nation state Modernization Democratic state
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