目的掌握禅城区居民健康素养状况,逐步在区内建立常态性居民健康素养监测和评价体系,根据2009年监测结果采取针对性的综合干预措施,2011年评价工作成效。方法 2009、2011年分别随机抽取两社区15~69岁的常住居民各500名,采用个人访谈方式进行问卷调查,作综合干预前后效果评价。根据干预前的基线结果 ,针对影响居民健康素养的危险因素开展各类健康教育和行为干预服务。结果 2009、2011年两社区调查对象具备健康素养的比例分别为21.60%和54.20%。其中具备健康理念和基本知识、健康生活方式和行为、健康技能素养比例分别为59.40%和72.40%、27.40%和59.40%、27.60%和71.80%。结论禅城区两社区居民经两年的健康教育和综合行为干预,健康素养水平、具备健康理念和基本知识、健康生活方式和行为、健康技能素养比例有了明显的提高,落实基本公共卫生服务,加大健康教育与健康促进工作力度,能提高居民健康素养水平。
Objective To understand the situation of health literacy level among Chancheng residents, and try to establish network to monitor and evaluate the level regularly. Evaluate the intervened works which carried out from 2009 to 2011. Methods Randomly sampling 500 residents aged 15 -69 years old in two communities in 2009 and 2011 respectively. Questionnaires were conducted by face- to- face interview with residents. Education and comprehensive intervention works were carried out according to the result from 2009 basic survey. Results The over- all level of health literacy was 21.60% and 54. 20% for 2009 and 2011. The basic health concept and knowledge were 59.40% and 72.40%, health lifestyles and behaviors were 27. 40% and 59.40%, health related skills were 27.60% and 71.80%, respectively. Conclusion The level of health literacy and related aspects has been improved among Chancheng residents after 2 years' intervened work. To implement National Basic Public Health Services and take great efforts to put forward health education and promotion works could improve resident's health literacy level.
Modern Hospitals
Health literacy, Urban residents, Contrast