社会主义义利观由社会主义义利概念、义利关系和义利取向三部分构成, 其中义利概念是基础, 义利关系是核心, 义利取向是根本。三者都贯注和显现出义利的相互渗透和涵盖, 本质上是一种义利合一、义利并重的伦理价值观。
The socialist outlook on justice and benefit is made up of three parts: the concept of justice and benefit, the relation of justice to benefit, and the inclination between justice and benefit. In this outlook system, the concept of justice and benefit is a base, the relation of justice to benefit, a core, and the inclination between justice and benefit, a root. All three parts implicated the interpenetration of justice and benefit, so the socialist outlook on justice and benefit is essentially an ethical value outlook that stresses and combines both justice and benefit.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University