英国当代女小说家玛格丽特·德拉布尔的小说创作, 以关注当代女性的生存境况,考察女性生命的本质为焦点, 反映具有觉醒意识的当代知识女性背离传统价值, 挑战社会规范,谋求精神突围的果敢和执著, 着重表现女性生命微妙细腻的情感体验和曲折复杂的心路历程。女作家在其系列长篇中试图在传统的女性角色和现代女权主义的中间地带寻找一块理想的生存乐土, 她的每部小说都是对女性生活道路的某一种可能性所进行的有意识的尝试。突围是执著的, 成功却可望而不可及, 她的女主人公们无一不遭至悲剧性的失败。
Margaret Drabble, a contemporary British woman novelist, focuses her writing on the existential predicament of contemporary women and the essence of female life, reflecting the great courage and persistence shown in the awakened female intellectuals attempts to reject traditional value, to challenge the established social customs, and to make a spiritual breakout from the past, with emphasis on womens emotionally sensitive experience and the complex workings of their mind. The woman writer tries, in her female fiction series, to search for an ideal “middle ground” between womens traditional role and modern feminism. Each of her novels is a conscious exploration of some possibility in female life. The breakout of the leading female charaters is persistent but unsuccessful, which dyes her fiction in cool blue.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University