将膨胀烟丝与某品牌正常生产切丝后烟丝,分别按计算好的不同比例混合均匀后,应用傅立叶变换近红外光谱技术采集混合烟丝的近红外光谱,采用偏最小二乘法(PLS)建立预测膨胀烟丝与片烟烟丝掺配比例值的近红外模型,其相关系数是0.993 0,并进行了准确性和精密度试验。试验表明,FT-NIR光谱法可以很好地应用于膨胀烟丝与片烟烟丝掺配比例的快速检测,以监控制丝过程中膨胀烟丝与片烟烟丝的掺配均匀性。
The expanded tobacco and cut tobacco were mixed according to different ratios. Fourier transform near infrared spectrometry ( FT- NIR) was applied to collect NIR spectrum of mixed tobacco shreds, partial least square (PLS) was used to establish Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Model to predict the mixing ratio of expanded tobacco and cut tobacco, with correlation coefficient of 0. 993 0, and the experi- ment of accuracy and precision was made. The results indicated that FT-NIR could be applied to the fast determination in the mixing ratio of expanded tobacco and cut tobacco, so as to control the mixing uniformity in primary processing.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences