二十世纪的韩愈研究大体呈现继承、反思、发展与繁荣三个阶段。世纪初的二三十年 ,涌现出不少研究韩愈的著作。因为这些学者都是清末民初的跨世纪人物 ,他们大都承继清人的研究方法 :偏重于诗文字句与文献资料的具体考析、直观印象式的评点、个人博及群书及审美经验的积淀 ,内容丰富 ,评说精到 ,影响到近百年的学者与研究工作 ,且继续起着良好的作用。但是 ,由于缺乏正确的理论关照 ,没能从理论上对韩愈进行宏观关照和系统研究。二十世纪后五十年 ,由于社会的变革和学者试图学习运用历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义观点方法进行研究 ,韩愈研究也起了转折性变革。从七十年代末拨乱反正始 ,学界经过反思而重新振起 ,使本世纪末的二十年的韩愈研究呈现出由拨正航向后的蓬勃展开、达到空前繁荣的崭新局面 ,代表了本世纪的研究水平与特点。其标志是 :1 .参与研究者的广泛与研究著作、论文数量之多为史所空前 ;2 .形成一支老中青相结合的研究队伍 ;3.基础研究的加强 ;4.
The research on HAN Yu presented three periods,inheritage, self-examination, development and populatory at 20th century. Many works on researching HAN Yu sprang up at the first 20-30years. As these scholars were all the people at late Qing Dynasty and the begin of the Republic of China who strided over century, they inherited the researching method from Qing Dynasty, laid particular stress on pose words and sentenses and textual research and analyse on documentary files, judged through the sense directly, personal learned scholar, and accumulated the experience of appreciation of the beautiful,rich content and judged precisely and penetratingly, which influenced the scholars and researching work nearly late hundred years, would take good function continuously. But they haven't kept an macroscopical eye on HAN Yu and haven't studied HAN Yu systematically due to lacking correct theory. The research on HAN Yu changed an abrupt turn as the scholars tried to study using the point of view and method of historical materialism and dialectical materialism as the transformation of society at late 50 years of the 20th century. Began from bringing order out of chaos at late 70s, the scholars braced up again after self-examination. This made the research on HAN Yu express flourishing vigorously and bran-new aspect, which stands the researching level and characteristic at the century. The marks as the following: 1.the researchers, works, essays are much more than that in the history; 2.the researching team combined with elder, adult and young scholars; 3.basic research strengthened; 4.theorical research is becoming systematically and deep.