目的 寻找方便可靠的抽取兔骨髓的方法 .方法 制备兔骨骼标本 ,观察其后肢骨的局部解剖特点和骨髓腔的大小及分布 ,利用兔骨骼的体表标志 ,确定穿刺抽取骨髓的部位和范围 .结果 提出在兔后肢骨的髋骨、股骨、胫骨三块骨上适合骨髓穿刺的 4个穿刺点 ,即 1坐骨穿刺点 (坐骨结节与坐骨结节外侧突尖端连线的中点 ) ;2股骨上穿刺点 (股骨第三转子尖下方 0 .3~ 0 .5 cm处 ) ;3股骨下穿刺点 (膝关节间隙上方 1.0~ 1.5 cm范围的外侧骨面 ) ;4胫骨穿刺点 (胫骨上部前内侧骨面 ,距胫骨平台 1.0~ 2 .5 cm范围内 ) .本文也介绍了在这 4个穿刺点抽取骨髓的经验体会 .结论 按照本文提出的程序和规则操作 。
AIM To probe into better methods to obtain bone marrow (BM) by bone puncture and aspiration from rabbit bones. METHODS: Locations and extents of puncture points(PPs) at rabbit hind limb bones suitable for aspiration of BM were determined by preparation of the skeleton specimen, observations of the topographic features and the size and distribution of BM cavities of these bones and utilization of landmarks on their body surface. RESULTS Four puncturepoints (PPs) suitable for aspiration of BM on the hip bone, femur and tibia were proposed. They were:①ischium PP: at the middle point between tuberosity of ischium and lateral process of ischial tuberosity; ②superior femoral PP: In the extent of 0.3~0.5 cm below the third trochanter apex of femur; ③inferior femoral PP: In the extent of 1.0~1.5 cm of lateral bone surface up the space of knee joint; ④anterointernal tibial PP: In the extent of 1.0~2.5 cm of anterointernal bone surface below the space of knee joint at the upper part of tibia. In the present paper the author's experience of bone puncture and aspiration of BM at the four PPs was also introduced. CONCLUSION Manipulated according to the procedures and regulations proposed in the present paper, rabbit BM can easily be aspirated from the four points.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
bone marrow