
基于遗传算法的物流配送路径优化算法 被引量:8

Optimization algorithm of Logistics distribution path based on genetic algorithm Computer Engineering and Applications
摘要 物流配送路径优化问题是一个NP(非确定多项式)问题,使用传统优化方法很难得到最优解或满意解。为了很好地解决这个NP问题,本文建立了一个配送中心、多个顾客的物流配送数学模型,用自己改进的遗传算法加以分析求解并进行了实例验证,而且在物品的配送种类上取得了突破,不在只是针对单一品种,对物流企业实现科学快捷的配送调度和路径优化有实际意义。 As a NP problem, VRP is hard to draw as satisfactory conclusion by using traditional optimal algorithm, in order to solve this NP problem, we establish a mathematical model for a pattern as one depot to many customers, using improved genetic algorithms to analyze and solve it. The problem is preferably settled by an example. And the delivery of goods not only for a single type. this is a breakthrough compared with before. It may be useful for the company to manage the physical distribution scientifically and to optimize the distribution routing successfully.
出处 《中国科技信息》 2013年第1期98-99,共2页 China Science and Technology Information
关键词 物流配送 遗传算法 路径优化 配送模型 physicad distribution genetic algorithm routingoptimizing model of distribution
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