全垫升气垫船垫态高速运行于水气界面,类似于飞机,因此对重量要求极为苛刻。具有水陆两栖性的气垫登陆艇属于全垫升气垫船,主要运载主战坦克等重型装备实现超越式干登陆,其装载量大而主尺度又往往受限,故只能采用单位重量功率大的小档燃气轮机作为主动力。美国气垫登陆艇代表了目前气垫船的最高技术水平,因装载需要而采用首尾贯通的敞开式装载甲板,其边岛式上层建筑留给燃气轮机的布置空间十分有限,并且高温、高湿、高盐的工作环境对船用燃气轮机提出了更高要求。文中介绍了TF系列船用燃气轮机在JEFF A/B、LCAC、LCAC(SLEP)、SSC上的应用,并就其技术发展对总布置的影响进行了初步分析。
The requirement of weight of air-cushion vehicle is very strict due to the high speed of cushion when it hovers at water/gas interface, similarly as a plane. The amphibious LCAC is an air-cushion vehicle,which mainly used in heavy arming such as tanker for over-the-horizon dry landing. Due to its great loading and limited scale, LCAC has to adopt slow gas turbine as main power,whose weight-power ratio is high. The US LCAC has been taken as the representation of the best air-cushion vehicle technology over the world. It adopts the open-end loading deck to meet the loading requirement, uses the peninsula type superstructure which restricts the space for gas turbine,and has more requirements because of the high-temperature,high-humidity,high-salinity environment. This paper introduces the TF series marine gas turbine applied in JEFF A/B,LCAC,LCAC (SLEP),SSC,and analyzes the influence of technical developments on general arrangement.
Ship & Boat
air-cushion vehicle
marine gas turbine
landing craft air cushion (LCAC)