
在日中国留学生异文化适应中的应激与社会支持 被引量:2

A Survey on Stress and Social Support for the Adaptation to Alien Culture to Chinese Students in Japan
摘要 分析在日中国留学生各滞在期内的应激源、应激反应及社会支持的特点,提出援助对策。方法:问卷共调查161个样本,有效样本158个。结果:经济开支和学业问题是在日中国留学生持续稳定的应激源。与滞在6个月内者相比,25个月以上者(P<0.01)、37个月以上者(P<0.05)的骨骼肌肉应激反应更高;相比滞在6个月内者和7-12月者,25个月以上和37个月以上的留学生感到"在日本国人"的支持更高(P<0.05)。滞在37个月以上者,才能明显感到"日本人"的支持(P<0.05)。留学生的语言适应和学业发展对所有应激反应有显著正向预测作用(P<0.001)。结论:扩大奖、助学金的发放面,借助日本学生的语言帮助和留学生互助,深化两国间的交流,选择"居家留学"、增进心理互容等措施,有利于促进在日中国留学生的异文化适应。 The potential problems were analyzed on stress sources coming from Chinese students in their stay of different stages in Japan, social support, and stress response, to provide the future assistance strategies. Method: The survey was conducted among 161 participants by sampling, and effective ones were 158. Results: The results show the stable stress sources come from financial expenditure and academic deficiency. Comparing with the students stayed in Japan within six months, those who stayed for more than two years, and for more than three years, suffered from higher skeletal muscle strain. The Chinese students stayed for more than two and three years in Japan are aware of the social support from the countrymen, the latter of which are also aware of the social support from Japanese, compared with the ones stayed within 6 months and 7-12 months. A positive predictive effect to stress response originated from language and academic deficiency. Conclusion: The paper indicates that more Chinese students' scholarships and grants should be covered to reduce their life pressure, and that the adaptation to alien culture to Chinese students in Japan should be promoted to help them overcome the language barrier by Japanese students, and mutual assistance from countrymen be given to further deepen mutual exchange between the two countries, psychological tolerance be enhanced by home stay, which will be beneficial to Chinese overseas students in adapting alien culture.
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2012年第6期44-49,共6页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 国家社科基金项目(10XBH0009) 新疆社科规划办课题(09BJYX059)
关键词 中国 留学生 异文化适应 应激 社会支持 Chinese overseas students adaptation to alien culture stress social support
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