探讨铜、锌等微量元素及抗氧化酶与精神分裂症关系和遗传因素在精神分裂症发病中的作用 ,采用放免分析法、还原型谷胱甘肽消耗法和等离子体发光法对精神分裂症病人及其一级亲属和正常对照 3组 ,分别检测血清超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、红细胞谷胱甘肽过氧化酶 (GSH -Px)和血清铜 (Cu)、锌 (Zn)微量元素含量 ,结果表明病人组血清SOD活性明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ,亲属组与对照组、病人组与亲属组间无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ;病人组红细胞GSH -Px活性显著低于对照组和亲属组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,亲属组和对照组间无显著差异 (P>0 0 5 ) ,血清Cu、Zn含量病人组和亲属组均显著低于对照组 ,P <0 .0 5 ) ,其余各组间无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 ) ,提示Cu和Zn等微量元素的降低可能导致SOD和GSH -Px等一系列抗氧化酶活性的改变 。
To investigate the changes in concentration of trace elements and antioridase in serum and inheritance factors in Schizophrenic patients.The concentration of Cu, Zn trace elements and SOD GSH-Px in Schizophrenic patients,first-degree relatives and healthy volunteers were detected by RIA and isoionic illuminating assay. The results showed that the concentration of the serum SOD in Schizophrenic patient was significantly higher than that in healthy volunteers(P<0.01).No significant difference was found among the first-degree relatives, healthy volunteers and Schizophrenic-patients. The activity of GSH-Px was much lower than that in healthy volunteers and first-degree relatives (P<0.01), while there was no significant difference between first-degree relatives and healthy volunteers. The levels of Cu, Zn in Schizophrenic patients and first-degree relatives were significantly lower than that in healthy volunteers (P<0.05). The results indicate that the lower concentration of Cu, Zn leading to the changes of SOD and GSH-Px may play some roles in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia with the genetic factors.
Chinese Journal of Public Health