本研究采用饲养试验与消化代谢试验相结合的方法,在能量摄入量不同、蛋白质摄入量一致的基础上,根据消化代谢试验的结果,制定出消化能需要量回归公式,并由此求得甘肃白猪20—35、35—60和60—90公斤三个阶段消化能需要量。试验用甘肃白猪去势公母猪24头,区组设计为三个组。三组日粮能量浓度不同、蛋白质浓度相同。每阶段中期进行一期消化代谢试验。根据消化代谢试验测得的三个能量组试猪的日增量与日均消化能摄入量基本数据,经统计处理,求得生长肥育期三个阶段每日消化能需要量回归公式如下: 20—35公斤:y_1=3.2230+2.9985x_1 P<0.01 35—60公斤:y_2=4.0028+4.1946x_2 P<0.01 60—90公斤:y3=4.9543+5.6614x_3 P<0.01将预期日增重x代入上述相应的公式,即可获得甘肃白猪生长肥育阶段消化能需要量。
The digestibile energy (DE) requirement of three stages, 20--35, 35--60 and 60--90kg, of Gansu white swine was studied by using regressionequation according to the result of feeding and digestion-metabolism testbased on the different DE and the same crude protein (CP) intake, and 24Gansu white piglets with equal numbers of boars and gilts were dividedinto 3 groups by the randomized complete--block design. The diets of 3groups of each stage contained different level of DE and the same levelof CP. The digestion-metabolism experiment was made in the middle ofeach?stage. The regression equation of DE requirement of each stage was obtainedaccording to average daily gain (ADG) and daily DE intake of each swineof 3 groups in the digestion--metabolism experiment by statistical analysis.They are: For 20--35kg: y_1=3.2230+2.9985x_1 p<0.01 For 35--60kg: y_2=4.0028+4.1946x_2 p<0.01 For 60--90kg: y_3=4.9843+5.6614x_3 p<0.01 The DE requirement of growing--finishing Gansu white swine was obt-ained using expecting ADG in place of the corresponding regression equation.
Gansu white swine
Feeding standard
Digestibile energy