
IL-8、IL-17以及IL-18与胃癌的关系 被引量:1

The relationships of IL-8,IL-17 and IL-18 with gastric cance
摘要 胃癌是危害人类健康最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其病死率仅次于肺癌,位居癌症死亡第2位。多项研究表明白细胞介素(interleukin,IL)IL-8、IL-17及IL-18,与胃癌的发生发展有着密切的联系。该文对IL-8、IL-17和IL-18与肿瘤和胃癌关系作一简要概述。 Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors which is harmful to human health, and it is also the second leading cause of death among human cancers just follows the lung cancer. A number of studies have shown that certain interleukins, especially IL-8,IL-17 and IL-18, are closely linked with the devel opment of gastric cancer. This article briefly overviews relationships of IL 8, IL-17 and IL-18 with gastric cancer.
出处 《检验医学教育》 2012年第3期40-42,共3页
关键词 胃癌 肿瘤 IL-8 IL-17 IL-18 gastric cancer tumor IL-8 IL-17 IL-18
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