UML is a widely-used, general purpose modeling language. But its lack of a rigorous semantics forbids the thorough analysis of designed solution, and thus precludes the discovery of significant problems at design time. To bridge the gap, the paper investigates the underlying semantics of UML state machine diagrams, along with the time-related modeling elements of MARTE, the profile for modeling and analysis of real-time embedded systems, and proposes a formal operational semantics based on extended hierarchical timed automata. The approach is exemplified on a simple example taken from the automotive domain. Verification is accomplished by translating designed models into the input language of the UPPAAL model checker.
UML is a widely-used, general purpose modeling language. But its lack of a rigorous semantics forbids the thorough analysis of designed solution, and thus precludes the discovery of significant problems at design time. To bridge the gap, the paper investigates the underlying semantics of UML state machine diagrams, along with the time-related modeling elements of MARTE, the profile for modeling and analysis of real-time embedded systems, and proposes a formal operational semantics based on extended hierarchical timed automata. The approach is exemplified on a simple example taken from the automotive domain. Verification is accomplished by translating designed models into the input language of the UPPAAL model checker.
This work was supported by the European Community 7th Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant agreement No. 248864 (MADES) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61202002.