
基于价格和服务竞争的零售商双渠道策略 被引量:33

Dual-Channel Strategies for Retailers with Price and Service Competition
摘要 为了研究存在价格和服务竞争时零售商的双渠道策略,在双寡头市场中运用Hotelling模型求得了零售商价格和服务水平的均衡解,分析了网络渠道的开通对零售商定价、服务水平及其利润的影响,讨论了消费者信息搭便车时零售商是否开通网络渠道。研究表明:当零售商间差异较小时,网络渠道的开通会使零售商提供较多的服务,获得较少的利润;当考虑信息搭便车时,都不开通网络渠道、只有一个开通网络渠道、两个都开通网络渠道都可能是均衡的渠道结构,其中零售商都开通网络渠道是一个囚徒困境。 The issue of retailers' dual-channel strategies with price and service competition is discussed.In a duopoly market environment,a Hotelling model is presented for this problem.Then,the equilibrium solutions of prices and service level are obtained.Based on the solutions,impact of additional Internet channel on prices,service level,and profits is examined.Furthermore,in considering the behavior of information-based free-riding,it analyzes whether retailers can open direct channel.Result shows that when the differentiation among the competing retailers is not too large,an online channel can result in increase of service level and decrease of profit.Furthermore,in considering information-based free-riding behavior,any of the three channel strategies,i.e.no Internet channel,asymmetric Internet channel,and symmetric Internet channel,is the possible equilibria.Also,multichannel retailing for all retailers is a prisoner's dilemma.
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2012年第6期57-62,共6页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71271225)
关键词 网络渠道 信息搭便车 渠道策略 direct online channel information-based free-riding channel strategy
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