
基于网络图需求随机的供应链网络设计研究 被引量:1

Network Design for Supply Chain with Stochastic Demand Based on Network Diagram
摘要 运用网络图表述供应链网络基本结构,将供应链网络设计简化为各节点的能力设计及流量设计,建立了随机供应链网络的均衡条件。通过对随机因素进行简化处理,分别探讨了需求随机时制造中心及配送中心的优化决策,构建了从制造中心角度出发的制造、运输集成优化模型及从配送中心角度出发的库存、配送集成优化模型,并用变分不等式给出了最优条件,进而构建随机供应链网络集成设计模型。最后,通过数值实例的分析,验证了随机模型的有效性。 A network diagram is used to represent the basic structure of a supply chain network such that the network design of a supply chain is simplified to determine the capacity and flow for each node.Based on the equilibrium conditions of the supply chain network and the simplified stochastic factors,the issue of optimal decision-making for both the manufacturing center and distribution center with stochastic demands is discussed.The optimality conditions are described by using variational inequalities.Then,a comprehensive supply chain network design model with stochastic demands is built.Analysis through numerical examples is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the model.
作者 蒋铁生 李波
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2012年第6期102-107,共6页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 高等学校博士学科等专项科研基金资助项目(20100032110034)
关键词 随机需求供应链 网络图 变分不等式 优化 supply chain with stochastic demands network diagram variational inequalities optimization
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