
SOX2在成年小鼠室周器官细胞的表达及其意义 被引量:7

Significance of SOX2 protein expression in cells of circumventricular organs in adult mouse
摘要 目的:检测成年小鼠SOX2在成年小鼠室周器官细胞和脑室下区细胞的表达及其差异。方法:成年BALB/c雄性小鼠,免疫组织化学检测SOX2在室周器官细胞的表达。结果:SOX2在最后区(AP)、正中隆起(ME)、穹隆下器(SFO)、联合下器(SCO)和脉络丛细胞均有强表达,与脑室下区SOX2阳性细胞比较,除SCO外,均有差异。结论:在成年小鼠室周器官分布有大量的SOX2阳性细胞,表明成年小鼠室周器官可能存在具有增殖和分化潜能的神经干细胞/祖细胞。 Objective: To observe the expression and difference of SOX2 positve cells in the adult mouse circumventicular or gans (CVOs) and subventricular zone. Methods: SOX2 positive cells 0f adult male mice were detected by immunohistochem ical staining. Results: The SOX2 positive cells were densely found in area postrema (AP), median eminence (ME), subfor nical organ (SFO), subcommissural organ (SCO), choroid plexus and subventricular zone. Except SCO, the percentages of postive cells were different between CVOs and subventricular zone. Conclusion: Ahundent SOX2 positive cells are found in CVOs of adult mice that suggest the existence of neural stem/progenitor cells, which can proliferate and differentiate into new neurons and/or glia.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期758-760,795,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
基金 河北省卫生厅医学科学研究重点资助课题(20100032)
关键词 SOX2 神经干细胞 祖细胞 小鼠 室周器官 SOX2 neural stem/progenitor cell mice circumventricular organs
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