
2124铝合金在蠕变时效成形过程中的回弹量 被引量:2

Springback for 2124 Aluminum Alloy during Creep Aging Forming
摘要 用变曲率蠕变时效成形试验装置,考察了时效时间、时效温度和预变形半径三个因素在两两作用下对可时效强化型2124铝合金在蠕变时效过程中回弹量的影响,对比分析了纯弯曲和横力弯曲对构件回弹量的影响;通过多元回归分析建立了回弹量预测模型,并进行了试验验证。结果表明:在相同的试验条件下,纯弯曲的回弹量要比横力弯曲的大,即成形件的弯曲变形模式对回弹量的影响不容忽略;回归模型对回弹量的预测结果与试验结果吻合较好,最大偏差不超过9.62%,验证了回弹量预测模型的可靠性。 Based on variahle curvature creep age forming test device, tile effects of the aging time. aging temperature and elastic prc-defommtion radius on the age-reinforced 212,1 aluminum alloy creel) age springback were studied, and the influence of pure bending and lateral force bending on springhack of pieces was compared, and springhack prediction model was established through muhiple regresskm analysis, which was verified hy experiments. The results show that. in the same lest condition, the springhack under tilt' pure bending was larger than the transverse bending, which showed thai the influence of the flexural deformation mode on springhack coukl not be ignored. Regression model on the springhack prediction resuhs coincided with experimental results, and the maximum deviation was less than 9. 62~. which verified the feasibility of the springl)ack prediction model.
出处 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期63-67,共5页 Materials For Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家"973"计划资助项目(2010CB731700)
关键词 时效成形 变曲率半径 回归分析 纯弯曲 横力弯曲 creep aging forming variable curvature radius regression analysis pure bending shearing bending
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