
Experiment and Prediction of Fire Extinguishment with Water Mist in an Enclosed Room 被引量:2

Experiment and Prediction of Fire Extinguishment with Water Mist in an Enclosed Room
摘要 The correlation between oxygen concentration and fire temperature when fire was extinguished with water mist was theoretically studied. The Semenov theory was applied to analyze the critical condition when fire was extin- guished with water mist, from which the correlation could be obtained. The water mist experiments were carded out by varying the fire size, atomizer number, ceiling height, system pressure, and pre-burn time in an enclosed room. The oxygen concentration near the edge of the liquid pool and the fire temperature above the center of the liquid pool were measured. A comparison of the experimental data with the correlation was made under different conditions. The results showed that fire extinguishment was a stochastic process which could be affected by many factors. This theoretical model could predict the correlation between ftre temperature and oxygen concentration when fire was extinguished with water mist in an enclosed room and it can also be treated as a critical condition for fire extinguishment.
机构地区 School of Astronautics
出处 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期71-79,共9页 热科学学报(英文版)
关键词 water mist fire temperature oxygen concentration 灭火试验 细水雾 房间 封闭 预测 火灾温度 实验数据 临界条件
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