中国有 9种鹤类 ,其中灰鹤 (Grusgrus)、黑颈鹤 (Grusnigricollis)、丹顶鹤 (Grusjaponensis)、白枕鹤 (Grusvipio)、赤颈鹤 (Grusantigone)、蓑羽鹤 (Anthropoidesvirgo)在中国进行繁殖。中国政府为保护鹤类采取了大量有效措施。本文在结合当前鹤类数量和保护现状的基础上 ,对中国鹤类的保护对策进行探讨。
There are nine crane species in China. Among them, five species breed in China, namely the Common Crane (Grus grus), Black_necked Crane (G.nigricollis), Red_crowned Crane (G.japonensis), White_napped Crane (G.vipio), Sarus Crane (G.antigone) and Demoiselle Crane (Anthropoides virgo). As to the wintering cranes of the world, over 70% of the Black_necked Cranes, about 14% of the Hooded Cranes ( Grus monacha ), more than 50% of the Red_crowned Cranes and White_napped Cranes, and close to 99% of Siberian White Cranes (Grus leucogeranus) lived in China. This paper analyzed quantity and status of cranes, and presented protecting strategy for cranes in China.
Biodiversity Science