
秋稻品种Dular广亲和基因的RFLP分析 被引量:5

RFLP Analysis on Wide Compatibility Genes in Rice Variety Dular of Ecotype Aus 
摘要 利用Balilla/Dular/IR36和南京11//Dulur/2533两个三交F1 本对秋稻品种Dular的广亲和性进行了遗传分析。为使杂种群体在相对一致的条伯下抽穗,所有三交F1植株于分化前集中进行了为期1周的短日照处理。结果表明,两个群体的小穗育性于多峰连续分布,说明三交群体的育性可能受几个主基因控制并受到微效基因的修饰,进一步采用分群分析法。 Dular is one of the typical wide compatibility varieties in ecotype Aus of rice. Genetic analysis on wide compatibility genes (WCG) from Dular based on triple crosses (indica//Dular/japonica) was conducted. In the condition of being shaded for 7 days, the individual spikelet fertility segregated obviously, and the continuous distributions of spikelet fertility with a handful of peaks were observed. This suggested that the segregation of spikelet fertility in triple cross populations was controlled by one or more major genes, also modified by some minor genes. Based on 109 individuals of triple cross Nanjing 11 (indica)//Dular/2533(japonica, a marker gene line,Rc and g), fertile and semisterile pools were set up by bulked segregant analysis, the RFLP analysis of the two pools led to the discovery of three chromosomal segments co-segregating with fertility. The one is on the interval RG213-C235 on chromosome 6. According to the previous studies, it may be the wide compatibility gene S_5~n. The other two were on the interval RG901-RG413 and G402-RG651 on chromosome 12, temporarily designated as S_(dl(t))~n and S_(d2(t))~n respectively. Because of the continuous distribution for spikelet fertility, we also used a quantitative model to evaluate the effects of those three loci. On the basis of interval analysis with Mapmaker/QTL, 32.3% of the phenotypic variance associated with spikelet fertility was explained by the S5_~n (LOD=9.03), and the other two chromosomal segments were responsible for 10.5%(LOD=2.61) and 10.9%(LOD = 2.14) phenotypic variance, respectively. The results demonstrated that the wide compatibility variety Dular contained three WCGs. To introgress the three WCGs into a restorer line or an abortive line will overcome the hybrid sterility barrier of indica / japonica crosses, and the precise RFLP mapping will be useful for breeders to accumulate a few genes of interest into one cultivar by means of molecular marker assisted selection.
出处 《Acta Genetica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第5期409-417,共9页
基金 国家"863"计划!(BH-01-02-01)
关键词 水稻 广亲和基因 分群分析法 区间作图 RFLP分析 rice, wide compatibility gene bulked segregant analysis, interval mapping
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