Windows network driver interface specification provides a standard development interface for developers to deal with the network data in system kernel mode. This set of standard API (application programming interface), provided by Microsoft, could support computer in implementing network connection via different communication protocols, such as TCP/IP, IPX, NetBIOS, AppleTalk, and so on. In accordance with the characteristics of the network drivers and Windows driver development rules, a scheme capable of implementing network protocol data interception, different network protocol format converting and forwarding is proposed. The scheme description involves the network driver interface specification profile, frame format specification, conversion policy settings, data interception, protocol conversion and ARP spoofing. This scheme could effectively achieve protocol data format conversion of different network protocols under Windows platform. With IP protocol implementation as an example, it is proved that this scheme could be more easily extended to other applications, thus realizing the purpose of various specific needs.
Communications Technology
NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification) Kernel-mode thread' IRQL