both Wang Yangming( short for Wang)and Hanyu( short for Han)gave suggestion to the Emperor and was ex- iled and they both hoped to leave the hard exiled place and wrote down a poem . Wang Yangming' s Answers to his Students at Longchang and Han Yu' s Chaozh Feudal Prefectural Governor' s Table to Appreciat emperor. However, the po- ems are of great difference. Firstly,the reason of their desire to leave the exiled is different;Han is for the very hard situ- ation at his exiled place,while Wang is for his ambition to devoted to the imperial court. Secondly,the methods are dif- ferent ;Han applied his petition to the emperor but Wang just asked and reflected from his inner mind . Thirdly, their understanding of the loyalty to emperor is different: Wang considered that loyalty should follow the principles while Han did not consider it. There is a fundamentally difference in this three difference, the attitude they both wanted leave the exiled place:Wang persisted the ceremony, righteousness,loyalty and integrity while Han could not insist them
Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
Wang Yangming
Han Yu
the principle when at hard place
loyalty and integrity