
本体辅助的定性空间关系推理机制 被引量:1

Ontology-aided qualitative spatial relation description and reasoning mechanism
摘要 引入本体论思想研究空间关系描述与推理,目的是为了实现地理空间信息的共享和互操作。从地理本体的概念出发,建立了符合常识空间认知的空间关系描述模型。以河南省行政区划、交通、旅游景点为基础数据,构建了空间关系本体实例库;自定义了空间关系推理规则,并实现了规则的SWRL表达;设计了基于本体的定性空间关系推理总体框架,并结合应用实例进行了推理实验,有效地验证了空间关系本体推理机制的可行性。 This paper imported the ontology theory to study spatial relation for realizing the geographic information sharing and interoperability.It constructed the spatial relation description model according with the concept of geo-ontology.It established a spatial relation ontology instance base based on region,traffic and scenery data of Henan province.Self-defined and expressed spatial relation reasoning rules.Designed a qualitative spatial relation reasoning frame based on ontology and an did experiment for reasoning correspondingly combing with application instances.It validated effectively the feasibility of spatial relation reasoning mechanism.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期49-51,55,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40871183 41140012 41271392)
关键词 地理本体 常识空间认知 空间关系 规则表达 推理 geo-ontology commonsense spatial cognition spatial relation rule expression reasoning
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