
政府规模、劳动—资源密集型产业与生产服务业发展滞后:机理与实证研究 被引量:26

Government Scale,Labor-Resource Intensive Industries and Development Lags of Producer Services:Mechanism and Empirical Research
摘要 本文构建一个包括知识-技术密集型生产服务业部门的三部门内生增长模型.对政府规模非理性膨胀及劳动一资源密集型产业的扩张侵蚀生产服务业发展进行了探索性解释。均衡分析的基本结论:政府规模非理性膨胀、劳动一资源密集型产业及二者耦合直接或间接侵蚀生产服务业发展.为需求不足论和供给不足论等观点提供了深层次解释.以1980--2009年OECD数据运用静态面板和动态面板估计检验了理论命题,针对中国生产服务业发展徘徊不前的现状提出政策思路。 By building up a three-sector endogenous growth model including knowledge-and technology intensive producer services, this paper exploring explains the mechanism that the irrational expansion of government scale and the expansion of the labor-and resource intensive industries erode the development of producer services. This paper concludes that the irrational expansion of government scale and the labor-and resource intensive industries and their coupling effect maybe erode the development of producer services directly or indirectly, which provides profound interpretation for the view of insufficient demand and insufficient supply. This paper verifies these theoretical propositions by using the static panel and dynamic panel model with 1980--2009 OECD data, policy proposals are made aiming at the current situation of lingering and no headway of Chinese producer services.
作者 江波 李江帆
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期64-76,共13页 China Industrial Economics
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“加快发展我国生产性服务业研究”(批准号11JZD023) 国家社会科学基金项目“服务业发展与城市群演进的互动机制研究”(批准号11BJL063)
关键词 政府规模 政治资源诅咒 资源诅咒 生产服务业 government scale political resource curse resource curse producer services
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