纵观我国农民收入增加的过程可以看出 ,我国农民收入增加无非是由两个方面的原因引起的 ,一是潜在收入流的释放及新收入流的产生而使经济剩余总量增加 ,二是权利结构的改变即农民作为一个经济主体的剩余索取权的获得和增加。运用农民剩余索取权这一概念不仅能够解释我国农民以往收入增加的有关原因 。
The course of increasing the peasant's income was caused nothing but by two factors.The first one was the increasing of the total economic surplus caused by releasing potential income flow and by adding new income flow.The second one was the changing of the rights structure,namely as an economic subject,the peasant obtained and was granted more rights.By using the concept of residual claim,not only the causes of the increasing of the peasant's income can be explained,but also an appropriate theory-analyzing frame can be suggested for solving the problem of increasing the peasant's income.
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