
扭曲叶片对小型对转风轮机性能影响的研究 被引量:1

Research of applying twisted blade in a small contra-rotating HAWT
摘要 与单叶轮风轮机相比,对转双叶轮风轮机具有更高的风能利用率,文章在直叶片对转风轮机试验研究的基础上,采用数值模拟的方法研究了扭曲叶片对风轮机气动性能的影响规律。计算结果表明,扭曲叶片能在一定程度上提高对转风轮机的性能。当叶轮采用扭曲叶片时,通过模拟扭转角、叶尖速比和来流风速对风轮机输出功率的影响,优化出了进行后续试验研究的前级叶轮设计参数:扭转角θ为15°、叶尖速比λ为0.5。 In the use of wind power, experimental results have indicated that the contra-rotating configurations can get greater power extraction and higher performance than that of the single rotor design. Based on the experimental research of the contra-rotating configurations with straight blade, the influence of twisted blade on the performanee of the HAWT is studied in this paper. Numerical results show that the power extraction of the contra-rotating wind turbine configuration with twisted blade is higher than the one of the straight blade design. In the case of using twisted blades to upstream rotor, the effect of the blade pitch angle, tip speed ratio, inlet velocity on the power extraction was studied, and some design parameters used in the follow-up experiment were gotten: θ=15°, λ=0.5.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第1期40-43,49,共5页 Renewable Energy Resources
关键词 风能 对转风轮机 扭曲叶片 数值模拟 wind power contra-rotating HAWT twisted blade numerical simulation
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