
Preserving Hutong Life

Preserving Hutong Life
摘要 While IMng in Beijing I had the great privi- lege of living in one of the cit3/s most beautiful hutong neighborhoods. Itwas the house my ex-boyfdend grew up in, and his parents were glad to rent it to me during my stay. I loved my home. I loved the sounds of the various hawkers who would roam the narrow streets in the morning--the tea lady, the soymilk man, the scissor sharpener. I grew used to chucking my garbage into the street for the morning pick-up. I became a~ or auntie, to my neighbors' children. I watched cdcket fights and complemented old men on their songbirds in the park I shivered through the cold winter with a coal-fired water heater. I stacked piles of cabbage and strings of garlic outside my door. I sidestepped the parade of bell-ringing bicycle rickshaws carrying slack-jawed tourists. I loved every minute of it. While living in Beijing I had the great privilege of living in one of the city’s most beautiful hutong neighborhoods. It was the house my ex-boyfriend grew up in, and his parents were glad to rent it to me during my stay. I loved my home. I loved the sounds of the various hawkers who would roam the narrow streets in
作者 Corrie Dosh
出处 《Beijing Review》 2013年第4期48-48,共1页 北京周报(英文版)
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