
基于Hough直线检测的深度图像配准方法 被引量:5

Range image registration based on Hough transform
摘要 针对传统的图像配准方法中寻找图像之间点对应关系这一难点问题,提出一种基于Hough直线检测的深度图像配准方法.利用Hough变换检测深度图像上的直线,确定不同视点图像上直线之间的对应关系.根据对应直线三维空间上的方向向量确定两幅图像之间的刚体变换参数.最后用模拟深度图像验证方法的有效性并给出三维重建结果. Image registration is important in the 3D-reconstruction from multi-view sampling points. A method based on Hough transform is proposed for the registration from multi-view image. First, all the fines are detected using Hough transform and the correspondent lines are fixed automatically. Then transformation matrix is calculated by using these correspondent lines. Finally the experimental results are given.
出处 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期112-116,共5页 Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 图像配准 HOUGH变换 深度图像 image registration Hough transform range image
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